Is it My Brand or Menopause?

Turn Transition into Triumph: How to Renew and Revive Your Brand


Have you ever paused mid-stride, a sudden heat engulfing you — not from the rush of a successful pitch or the thrill of a new client win, but a flash, a flicker... perhaps, of doubt?

If your brand could speak, would it whisper, "Is it just me, or is it hot in here?" Welcome to the brand menopause — the inevitable phase where your once vibrant and bustling brand starts feeling a bit... well, overheated and under the weather.

But fear not, for this is not the end; it's a transformative beginning, and you're about to learn how to turn this transition into a triumph.


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Cover of 'In Bloom Magazine' featuring the title 'Is it My Brand or Menopause? Turn Transition into Triumph: How to Renew and Revive Your Brand' with a call to action to read on, set against a soft textured pink background.

The Hot Flashes of Branding

Like those unexpected hot flashes, your brand might suddenly find itself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons: a campaign that fizzles out, social media engagement that cools off overnight, or messaging that suddenly seems out of sync with your audience.

The trick?
Don't strip down; layer up.
Layer your strategies with consistent messaging, a clear brand identity, and content that resonates. Think of it as the branding equivalent of breathable fabrics; it allows your brand to maintain its cool, even under pressure.

Mood Swings and Your Brand's Voice

One day your brand and business are all sunny skies and smooth sailing; the next, it's thunderstorms and choppy waters. Mood swings? Absolutely. Your brand's voice might be experiencing a bit of an identity crisis, swinging from professional to playful without much warning. The solution is not in mood stabilizers but in finding a consistent tone that reflects your brand's values and resonates with your audience. It's about creating a voice that can weather any storm, providing a steady and reliable presence that your clients can trust.

Embracing Change: The Menopause of Your Brand

Menopause, in its essence, is about change — a significant, albeit challenging, transformation. Similarly, your brand might be signalling that it's time for a change, a refresh, or even a complete overhaul.

This is your opportunity to look within, to reevaluate your brand's core mission, values, and aesthetics. Consider this phase a cocoon stage; with the right strategy, your brand can emerge more vibrant and relevant than ever. It's not about fighting the change but embracing it, understanding that on the other side lies a brand that's more aligned with your vision and your audience's needs.

Strategies for a Healthy Transition

A successful transition requires introspection and action. Start with checking in on yourself. How are you? How do you feel about your business and services? Follow up with a brand health check to understand where you stand. Engage with your audience through surveys or social listening to grasp their current needs and perceptions. Refresh your visual identity if it feels dated, ensuring it matches your brand's evolved voice and mission. Most importantly, communicate openly about the changes, taking your audience on the journey with you. Transparency builds trust, and trust lays the foundation for a brand reborn.


The first step in navigating a brand transition successfully is adopting a growth mindset. Understand that evolution is part of your brand's life cycle. Viewing changes as opportunities rather than threats can transform the way you approach the transition.

Nurturing Self-Trust and Compassion

  • Affirmation Practice: Start each day by writing down or verbally affirming one positive affirmation related to self-trust and capability. For example, to reinforce confidence in your decision-making and yourself.

  • Reflective Being: Dedicate 10 minutes each evening to a reflective practice: journaling, meditation, or quiet contemplation, focusing specifically on the decisions you made that day that you feel proud of and the reasons why. This practice helps in recognizing your strengths and gradually builds self-trust.

  • Mindful Breaks: Integrate short, mindful breaks into your day, especially during moments of high stress or decision paralysis. A five-minute meditation focused on breathing can reset your mental state and enhance clarity and self-assurance. So does a quick walk or a silly dance party.

  • Curate Your Input: Actively seek out podcasts, books, and articles by and about women entrepreneurs who share their journeys, focusing on overcoming self-doubt. This not only inspires but also a sense of community and understanding. But please, look for people that make you feel good about yourself!

  • Peer Support Circle: Create or join a small group of like-minded female entrepreneurs for regular check-ins. This space can be invaluable for sharing challenges, and successes, and offering mutual support, reminding you that you're not alone in your feelings of doubt.


As a solo-preneur, your strategy needs to be as dynamic and multifaceted as you are, without overwhelming your already packed schedule. Let's distil your brand strategy into essential, actionable steps that align with your vision and resonate with your audience, ensuring every effort counts and propels your brand forward. Here's how to simplify your approach and make strategic planning manageable and effective.

  • Craft and Document Your Brand's Transition Story: Reflect on your brand's journey through its 'menopausal' phase — how it's evolving, adapting, and embracing change. And document the process for your audience in a format that feels aligned to you.

  • Define Your Empowerment Demographic: Focus on creating a detailed profile of your audience going through their own transitions, whether it's menopause, career changes, or personal growth. Understanding their unique challenges and aspirations allows you to tailor your brand message to empower and resonate with them deeply.

  • One-Question Survey: Send a single, focused question to your audience via email or social media to gauge their current needs or perceptions.

  • Refine Your Messaging: Create new messages for your brand that reflect your new vision. Put them into messaging guidelines that include your brand’s voice, tone, key messages, and the emotional benefits you want clients to associate with your brand. Refer to these guidelines whenever you create content or communicate with your audience to make sure those mood swings won’t happen again

  • Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations: Identify potential partners whose audience aligns with your new brand. Collaborations can increase your brand’s visibility and credibility. Start with a list of 5 potential partners and plan an outreach strategy that highlights mutual benefits. Ps. FUN can and should be one too.


  • Visual Identity Refresh: Evaluate your brand's visual elements (logo, colour scheme, typography) to ensure they reflect your current brand essence. Small updates can make a big difference in perception and can be implemented gradually.

  • Consistency Check: Check your online and offline materials for brand consistency. Update any discrepancies in visuals or messaging across your website, social media, business cards, and packaging to maintain a cohesive brand image.

  • Creative Content Creation: Invest time in creating or sourcing high-quality visuals that tell your brand's story. Use tools like Canva for design and Death to Stock for photography to keep content creation efficient and cost-effective.

  • Brand Style Guide: Update your brand style guide outlining your visual and messaging guidelines. This document ensures consistency across all brand communications and can be a reference for any outsourced creative work.

Conclusion: A New Beginning, Not an End

Brand menopause is not a sign of your brand's impending decline but a call to action for rejuvenation and reconnection. It's an invitation to revitalize your brand, ensuring it remains relevant, resonant, and reflective of both you and your audience's growth. So, when your brand starts showing signs of menopause, remember, it's not sweating the small stuff — it's ready for its glorious comeback.

Turn Transition into Triumph

As you navigate your brand through this transformative phase, please remember, that you're not alone. Countless brands have weathered this transition, emerging stronger and more connected to their audience. Your brand's menopause is a powerful opportunity to redefine and realign with your core values and vision, setting the stage for a future where your brand doesn't just survive but thrives.



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Cover of 'In Bloom Magazine' featuring the title 'Is it My Brand or Menopause? Turn Transition into Triumph: How to Renew and Revive Your Brand' with a call to action to read on, set against a soft textured pink background.

About the author

Meet Jen, your fellow wanderer on the Scenic Route to figuring out this gorgeous thing called life.

  • BA in Social Sciences and MA in Sociology? You bet.

  • Certified NLP and EFT practitioner? Check.

  • Fucked shit up a lot? Been there, didn’t even get a lousy t-shirt.

  • Empath and HSP? It’s all just peachy.

Jen’s professional background and personal experience make the secret sauce that adds depth to every conversation. She tunes into the frequencies most people skip over. She's on a heartfelt mission to support too-brilliant-to-not-shine humans moving from surviving to thriving.

Together with her clients, she dives deep into the chaos of being human, finding that sweet spot where vulnerability meets badassery to rediscover the thrill of living a life that's as beautifully complex as you are – flaws and all.


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