How To Break Society's Mould to Uncover Your Genuine Desires and Pursue Them

Explore true desires, not reactions.


Ever found yourself setting a goal because, well, it seemed like the next logical step?
Or perhaps because it was what everyone else was applauding? Trust me, you're not alone.


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Pinterest pin image featuring a pink doll head against a stone backdrop, titled "How To Break Society's Mould" by Jennifer Walter.

It's a common script: chasing after promotion because it's what's expected or eyeing a career pivot simply because you can't stand another day feeling unfulfilled. But here's the thing: are these desires truly yours, or are they just reactions to the (misaligned) world around you?

The Mirage of Reactionary Goals

I'll be sure to paint a picture for you. Imagine running on a treadmill that's set just a tad too fast. You're keeping up (barely), but it's not where you want to be. That's what it's like pursuing goals that don't align with what you genuinely want—it's exhausting and, frankly, unfulfilling. It took me a while to realize that many of my "goals" were actually knee-jerk reactions to external pressures or fleeting frustrations.

Digging Deeper: The "Why" Behind the Goal

The game-changer for me was starting to play detective in my own life, asking "Why?" with the tenacity of a toddler.
- Why do I want this?
- What's driving me?
It's about peeling back the layers to uncover if your drive is coming from a place of passion and authenticity or just the desire to keep up with the Joneses.

The Tightrope Walk of Societal Expectations

Acknowledging what you truly want can feel like you're about to bungee jump without a cord, especially if it doesn't fit neatly into the box society has laid out for you. I've been there, teetering on the edge between fulfilling expectations and diving into what sets my soul on fire. Spoiler alert: Choosing messy realness is liberating.

Embracing Your Authentic Journey

This journey isn't just about self-discovery; it's a rebellion against the status quo. It's about choosing paths that might make others question your sanity but feel right in the depths of your soul. It's not easy. It means letting go of the familiar and sometimes facing the unknown with nothing but your conviction.

Let's Chat About It

If this resonates with you and you're ready for more, listen to episode 59 of the Scenic Route podcast, "Embrace Life's Transitions: Aligning with Change and Cultivating Growth," with Jessica Eley.



Ready to Embrace Change?

As you stand at this crossroads, remember that you don't have to navigate this transition alone. Join our Scenic Route community of forward-thinking, brilliant humans and receive exclusive content, strategies, and support to get you from surviving to thriving.



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Pinterest pin image featuring a pink doll head against a stone backdrop, titled "How To Break Society's Mould" by Jennifer Walter.

About the author

Meet Jen, your fellow wanderer on the Scenic Route to figuring out this gorgeous thing called life.

  • BA in Social Sciences and MA in Sociology? You bet.

  • Certified NLP and EFT practitioner? Check.

  • Fucked shit up a lot? Been there, didn’t even get a lousy t-shirt.

  • Empath and HSP? It’s all just peachy.

Jen’s professional background and personal experience make the secret sauce that adds depth to every conversation. She tunes into the frequencies most people skip over. She's on a heartfelt mission to support too-brilliant-to-not-shine humans moving from surviving to thriving.

Together with her clients, she dives deep into the chaos of being human, finding that sweet spot where vulnerability meets badassery to rediscover the thrill of living a life that's as beautifully complex as you are – flaws and all.


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