I Made 185k Revenue By Focusing On What Feels Fun


Scenic Route Podcast
Show Notes

Curious how The Scenic Route started? What the scenic route is? Discover all about that in today's episode, from how I wanted to burn everything to the ground as I wasn't feeling aligned, to the shifts you need to start making to start having fun in business and life again.

I share in this episode:

  • What the scenic route is, and what it means to me

  • My journey to discovering the scenic route

  • My corporate journey led me to where I am today

  • How I was able to gain control over my feelings

  • How I was able to make 185k revenue in one year

Cover art for I Made 185k Revenue By Focusing On What Feels Fun



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  • Hi, and welcome to the scenic route podcast - this is the show for building a successful and sustainable business on your terms. My name is Jen, and I'm a rebranding sociologist with a soft spot for Uber pie. Each week, I'll strive to expand your branding, business expertise and mindset capacity. I'm so excited you're here. And now, let's get into today's episode. Hi, in this very first episode of the scenic route podcast, we're going to dive into what is the scenic route and how moving on the scenic route has helped me to have my most profitable year in business yet. So buckle up, it's going to be a really cool time together. So how it kind of started with having this idea of the scenic route. So I want you to picture this with me, my partner and me. We did a trip a couple of years back; we went to California. And we wanted to do like a road trip. And although it's not that long ago, it feels like a million years ago. It was before COVID is was before we had kid so it feels really long ago and the moments when I look up Bunnell look back when I remember the trip, the moments that are so clearly etched into my brain, and give me all these like, Oh, that was such an amazing trip vibes, and feelings. It's not like our trip up to interstate five from LA to Monterey. It was like all these little glorious moments driving down the ocean, the ocean highway down to San Luis Obispo. It was like looking at the Lone Pine Tree, it was standing up and looking down at the Julian Piper burns, waterfall or like having my toes in the purple sand. Like all these little memories are still those are the ones that my brain remembers. And those are the ones that have caused somatic reactions in my body when I think of them. So it's not about it wasn't about getting from A to B. But it was like what happened on the way from A to B. That's kind of like the scenic route. And how when you travel, all the best memories and all the stories you want to tell your friends and your family and your kids are stories from when you took the scenic route, when you took the detour when you ended up in the middle of nowhere on like an Irish country lane and you discovered the most amazing hidden away beach. And it's hardly ever stories from the motorway, the interstate, the highway and that one pitstop there, although there's one, there's always one story I like to tell about like driving on the highway that's in Italy. So how you can get even at the worst shittiest gas stations, you can get amazing espresso, but the stories that give you all these warm, fuzzy feelings. For me, those are stories that happen while travelling on a Scenic road. So that's kinda like how the name came to be. And it's part of I choose the scenic route in my business too. And, and to some extent it kind of sounds to me. As I remember, I had a coach at the time. And like, Okay, but what happens if you go from A to B? Like, if you reach what you want to reach? What if you happen to have that goal? Reaching that goal, you're trying so desperately to to get us to get there as fast as possible?

    What does it mean? I mean, I know for a lot of people that are like the first 100k Or the first house or to 250k revenue or like to have million a million, whatever it is. It's not about the goal itself. But it's what we think of ourselves to be true when we reach those goals, right? It's the like, Oh, if I have that 100k revenue, then I'm a legitimate entrepreneur. Like it's always the kind of like if then. And that's a really tricky illusion, a tricky illusionary game to play. And there's even a name for that. It's called the arrival fallacy. And it's the term that coins like the illusion that once we made it once we attain our goal that we will reach lasting happiness, or that we reach whatever we want to desperate claim to believe about ourselves. And often, it is happiness, right? Like, oh, if then I feel happy. But it's also like, you can show up in a myriad of teeny tiny ways. Like, I will feel ready. If I do this online course, I will be ready to talk to people about what I sell if my website is in place. Like, there are a gazillion little things where you're kind of like, oh, wait, what am I actually doing here? So that was kind of like, well, how can I like, apply that? If we look at it, right? Like I mean, if even. And that's the mean thing about like the arrival fallacy illusion, that once you reach it, if you reach it, once you reach it, you realize, oh, wait, I'm not that happy. I'm not that successful. I don't believe now that I've made it and I washy, that I am lovable, that I'm whatever like it doesn't just like it's not a logical and then kind of situation that works if you're programming computer because you're not a computer. And your subconscious clearly and surely isn't. So the main thing, then what happens is your kind of you have a double-edged sword, not only will you not feel what you want to feel, or it's a very fleeting feeling, and it's gone, just in like in the blink of an eye, but you will also have lost the hope that if you achieve something, you will start to feel differently. So that can really, like, get out of control quickly. Like there are some people then who set themselves bigger goals are like, Oh, okay, so the 100k didn't do it, maybe the 250k will do it. That could potentially is one quick spiral into burnout. But what if you're like, wait a minute, I'm not waiting for something to happen? And for something else, something arbitrary that I've said that I've attached meaning and goals to it, to determine how I feel.

    So what if I decide to feel what I want to feel every day? And that sounds like very, very simple. But I've realized in myself and with a lot of my clients, we have a hard time listening to our feelings, being able to identify them correctly, and then applying them into action, like, Okay, what kind of concrete actions that can help me move on to get from where I would like to go. So I kind of decided then, okay, if, on the one hand, I don't really want to reach to the end to the end goal as fast as possible. Because, well, what happens next? If it's the end, like the end goal, it might literally be the end. Like, what is there else to achieve? Like, the more is more is more, like I gave up on that a long time ago, because I know it's not healthy for me, it's not healthy for our environment for our ecosystem for for everyone. So instead of waiting for this arbitrary thing to give me to, to the legitimate what I want to feel I can just give this feeling to myself. So now there's a little backstory to my corporate history, you kind of need to know I had right after I graduated university. In my first job after graduating, I had, like I had a big burnout. That's a story for another day, but that was so ever since I am slow, I am always taking another step and recovery and I'm always kind of like seeing how it shows up in different ways. So even that's like more than 10 years ago now it still can show up. And I mentioning it because it was a very important point and kind of like how I measure time almost like there was a before and after do before me kinda had lady lock always on her shoulder like that. On shakable knowing that no matter what, things will turn out, things will be good. And the me after that cut was Yeah, well, what if I don't know, something bad happens, and then something bad happens on top of something bad. So that is also a side effect of burnout. But anyway, that's not like, a topic for another day. But important to know, because I probably will reference it throughout the podcast. So ever since I've slowly recovered from that. I have realized, okay, like, I started to piece together, what is good for me and what isn't. And when I say like, I did a couple of stints at agencies and on the corporate side and started my own business in 2017, with a lot of ideas. How I wanted it to be and quickly realized, Oh, I, there are so many, like cool people I admire, who are doing this work longer than me who are self employed longer than me. And they have really great ideas on how I can get the success, how I couldn't reach that level of success they're having to. And it was really like, Yeah, I mean, I'm sure some of you are like, oh, yeah, I know how that story ends. And, yeah, it's really, there was some rough patches in that. And I paid my dues. And I had, like, I build a successful business. Only kind of like to realize, yeah, this is not really, this is not exactly what I wanted to do. This doesn't feel good. So I should just burned us all to the ground, like, no way. So it was really, I just realized something was off. And it wasn't before boot, because I had the burnout experience. And you it wasn't burnout, but it's I just really didn't feel aligned at all. And of course, that was not just with the business, like everything came together in 2019 2020.

    Obviously, we had COVID. But I became a new mom in 2019, I got a lot of health complications. With birth, I was diagnosed afterwards with chronicle illnesses like endometriosis and adenomyosis. So there was a lot of things coming together where I'm like, Okay, I purposely don't want to go full speed from A to B here, because it's just not sustainable for me for my health, or my family. And this business life build. It's not designed or not built relate to, for the lifestyle I want. It's built for success. Sure, like financial success, but it wasn't really built to take in all of me, or the parts that are new. So I decided I wanted to build something that is simpler, that is gentler, and most of all, more joyful. And really, also the free the freedom I wanted to have when I first started out, but I was so willingly to give up for another coach's blueprint or strategy had or whatever it was. So for 2021 It was the first time I decided I'm not going to set a goal for myself for the year, because that's another thing and I'm sure we got to talk about this on another episode. Like traditional goal setting in the sense of I'm gonna make this amount of revenue this year, in this period of time. It doesn't work for me, and it doesn't work for a lot of people. I'd say there are two types of people, people who are motivated by those goals, people who are like, nope, not having any of this. So I decided not to work with any classical goal in that sense, but at a decided to focus on a feeling. So, for 2021 I have decided to feel more joy in my business. And to really lead the feeling of joy. Use it to make my decisions to really anchor it in and use it as a marker to say yes or no. And the thing is, it doesn't have to be like for me it was joy but it doesn't have to be joy for you at all. It could be freedom or bliss. is for meaningfulness, creativity. Like it could be anything. But what the key thing was I use this, this feeling this, this marker. I anchored to that like I first started to discover how I feel when I feel joyful. How good it makes people in my, in my family in my my circle feel if I feel joyful, what the ripple effects of me feeling joy for. And I used it to Okay. Whenever there was a decision to me, from which newsletter tool to use to, should I say yes to this client? Should I say notice clients? What should I post? Like? Should I do take the videos, whatever it was? I asked myself, Okay, does this feel joyful to me? And I would if I would be Yeah, could be I would be willing to try to try one time. And then check in with me to check in with myself check in with my body and actually feel did that really make me joyful? Or didn't it? Was it an illusion that I thought this would make me joyful? So step by step I discovered what would be feel joyful to me, what would make me feel expansive. So by focusing on that, and on that feeling joyfulness, I gave myself permission to not wait until I've reached something, to feel joyful, but to feel joyful now, because I deserve to feel joyful, and not so surprisingly enough for some people who are well versed in how mindset and subconscious works. 2021 was my sixth most successful year to date, in terms of revenue, in terms of profitability rate, like it was wild. And although there was COVID, and there were a lot of things where I could have said, yeah, a lot like, of course, it's a slower year because of.

    And just simply by deciding, oh, I'm not going to focus on a revenue goal. Oh, I'm just going to focus on me feeling joyful in my business and how I could achieve that, and use it as a marker as a compass to guide me through decisions. I closed another 185k revenue, which was like war, to me. And it still is, because it's a big number, regardless of what 789 figures, entrepreneurs will tell you. So I want to end this podcast with a couple of questions that you can ask yourself and some reminders of what we've talked today. That it's about the journey, it's about slowing down and being more attentive to what is happening on the scenic route. To be more gentle and kind, and not rushing from A to B just for the sake of it. And don't mistake it for unsuccessful because it isn't, don't mistake, the scenic route for slow, you can still do Sprint's on this on the scenic route, you can still drive fast, but it's a different intention behind. Right, like you can still work long hours if you want to. But the intention behind it is different. So I kind of what I've asked myself and what I want to end this episode with, for you too. For some food for thought is if the journey to get you where you want to go, if the journey is socks, and if the journey is not worth it. Like can the destination be ever be too get you from A to B like at what expense? Will you will you reach that destination? Like I'm sure every one of you is capable of big things in a short timeframe.

    But what is the expense? Like I know I could power true to get something done over a period of time, but it would be at the expense of my health. It could potentially be at the expense of my relationships. I don't want that. And the last question to really always ask yourself is what are you willing to do? And I'm not explicitly not talking about sacrificing because I don't ever want you That's March here, don't we're not here for this. But what are you willing to do? Right? That's something that comes up with my coaching clients a lot are like, oh, like they have these grand ideas of always, like, showing up on Instagram, for example, every day of the week. And my question is always, and they notice that would be like, yeah, is what are you willing to do? Like, if you want to become Instagram famous? What are you willing to do to get there? And it's okay, if you're doing something or you're not doing something, but the more interesting bit is behind what is your attention, why you're doing something, or why you're not doing something? If you're not doing something, because you just be like, fuck this shit, this doesn't feel joyful or expensive, whatever. Don't do it. But if you're feeling like, if there is a chance that this is like an old story or an old believe it's causing you to not do something, check in with yourself. Okay. So thank you so much for joining me on this first episode. This is the scenic route podcast. I hope there'll be many, many more episodes. So please go share what you've listened to and go share it on your favourite social media, tag me so I can see it. So we can talk about a scenic route. And so we can talk about what those questions brought up for you. And talk to your business friends about it. So we can help spread this message to more people like you and me that there is another way to do business besides the grind and hustle and Girlboss, whatever. There's a different way to be on this journey. And to be on this journey successfully without crapping on yourself. Thank you so much for listening to the scenic route podcast. I hope you've enjoyed today's episode, and that you can take something from it that feels right to you. I'd be so grateful if you could share the scenic route podcast with others and leave a rating and review so we can introduce more people to the joy of taking the scenic route in business. As always, you can head over to scenic route podcast.com to check out all the links and resources from today's episode. Oh, and while you're there, don't forget to download my free email course intuitive branding invitation to teach you how you can successfully tune into your own brand frequency and rediscover your brand's unique gifts, strengths and talents. So thanks again. Talk soon


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