Balancing Business & Chronic Illness: Jeanne Carlier's Inspiring Story of Resilience


Scenic Route Podcast
Show Notes

Today, we are privileged to chat with Jeanne Carlier, the founder and chief designer at Spark & Bloom Studio. Jeanne has had an incredible journey throughout her career, and she shares with us how her experiences have shaped her into the woman she is today. We delve into the topic of working with chronic illnesses and the misconceptions surrounding them, shedding light on how Jeanne has managed to navigate the challenges of running a business while dealing with a chronic illness.

As a successful business owner, Jeanne has learned valuable lessons about operating as a business owner and not wearing all the hats in the company. We discuss the importance of delegating tasks and focusing on your strengths to make your business thrive. Running a business isn't always smooth sailing, and we explore what happens when things go wrong in business and how to handle these situations. Jeanne shares her insights on handling difficult moments and becoming stronger on the other side.

One of the most important aspects of running a business is being clear and upfront with your clients. We dive into the topic of dignity in marketing and how to nurture your clients after they've purchased from you. Jeanne's unique perspective and wealth of experience will provide valuable insights for you if you're looking to take your business to the next level.

Jeanne discusses the misconceptions surrounding working with chronic illnesses and how she has managed to navigate the challenges of running a business while dealing with a chronic illness.

  • Jeanne discusses the misconceptions surrounding working with chronic illnesses and how she has managed to navigate the challenges of running a business while dealing with a chronic illness.

  • This episode explores what happens when things go wrong in business and how to handle these situations. Jeanne shares her insights on handling difficult moments and becoming stronger on the other side.

  • Jeanne delves into the topic of dignity in marketing and how to nurture your clients after they've purchased from you, highlighting the importance of being clear and upfront with your clients.

cover art for Balancing Business & Chronic Illness: Jeanne Carlier's Inspiring Story of Resilience



Connect with Jeanne Carlier over on

Work with Jeanne
Download here free workbook “How to appeal to your ideal audience”

Learn more about
The Ethical Move

The book she’s currently reading
Find Your F*ckyeah by Alexis Rockley

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