How to Stop Going in Circles: The Secret to Evolve in Your Life and Business


​​The Magic of Changing Your Perspective

Motherhood, with its sleepless nights and chaotic mornings, often feels like it's set on a loop. You pacify one tantrum, solve one more 'urgent' mystery of a lost toy, and when you think you can catch your breath, it's time to do it all over again. In this whirlwind, it's easy to feel like you’re perpetually stuck on a merry-go-round, spinning nowhere fast.

As a female service provider with kids in 2024, we gonna add a few layers on top of that Yay us! You work hard, juggling life’s myriad demands, and yet, sometimes, it feels like déjà vu—the same challenges on repeat. But let’s twist that narrative today!

But what if I told you that each round is elevating you, one subtle level at a time, not just taking you back to where you started? This is not about multitasking or managing time; it’s about mastering resilience and sculpting efficiency with each climb. Changing your perspective isn’t just motivational jargon; it’s a critical tool for survival and growth.

In business, as in motherhood, we often discredit the circular path as a lack of progress. We critique ourselves for not breaking through the barriers fast enough, not innovating enough, or not claiming the top spot on that elusive leaderboard of societal expectations. But here’s a twist—every repeating task, every found toy, every solved problem, and every client handled with grace while managing a toddler’s meltdown is not just a repeat.

It's not just repetition—it's evolution. With every challenge you navigate and every setback you overcome, you're not circling back to where you started. Instead, you're crafting a newer, stronger version of yourself. There's no falling back to the old you. Each day, each obstacle, each seemingly mundane task is an opportunity to refine your skills, expand your understanding, and harden your resolve. You're ascending, ever-transforming—not despite the challenges, but because of them.

But what if I told you that you're not going in circles?
What if I told you that you're moving upward in circles and that changing your perspective can help you see this? We need to recognize these loops for what they truly are—levels of experience that build us up, readying us for the next big leap.

You’re not spinning out of control, you’re evolving

Hey, here's a secret: changing your perspective is kind of like magic. It doesn’t just tweak your view—it totally transforms it. Feeling like you’re stuck on a never-ending carousel? I get it.

But what if you tilt your head a bit and look at it all from a new angle? Suddenly, what seemed like the same old scenery might start popping with possibilities. Trust me, a little shift can light up your world in ways you never imagined. So, why not give it a try? You might just find what you’ve been missing."

Not a circle, but a tower

For example, if you're not making any progress in your business, try looking at it from a different perspective. Instead of seeing your business as a circle that you're going around and around, see it as a tower that you're climbing.

Each time you go around the circle, you move up a level in the tower. Each time you do the same task, you get better at it and build a stronger foundation for your business.

Dear, you have come so far

Changing your perspective can also help you see the opportunities that are right in front of you. If you're feeling like you're not getting anywhere, try looking at the things that you've accomplished so far.

Look at how far you've come, and take pride in the progress that you've made. This can help you see the potential for growth and success right in front of you.

So if you're feeling like you're going in circles, remember: you're not going in circles. You're moving upwards in circles, you’re evolving.

Changing your perspective can help you see this, and it can help you break out of old habits and ways of thinking. So go ahead and try it – you might be surprised at what you see!


The Moving Upwards Checklist
7 Steps to Change Your Perspective ✅

  1. Spot the Ruts: Take a moment, pause, and ask yourself, "Where do I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels?" Could be your daily grind or some aspect of your personal life. Recognize these spots—acknowledge them as your starting line.

  2. Shift Your View: Think of each challenge not as a repetitive loop but as a round staircase. You’re not just going around; you’re going up, evolving. Every step is a level up—see it, believe it.

  3. Celebrate the Small Wins: Got through a tough day? That’s a win. Cleared an annoying task off your to-do list? Another win. Take a moment, pat yourself on the back. These small victories add up, so give yourself the credit you deserve.

  4. Mindset Makeover: Reflect on your daily habits and thoughts. Find any that feel like dead weight? It’s time to let those go. Be kinder to yourself. You’re doing better than you think.

  5. Gratitude with a Twist: Even on rough days, there’s always something to be thankful for—find it. And keep that curiosity alive. What’s this situation teaching you? There’s always a lesson. Find that silver lining.

  6. Your Squad Matters: Surround yourself with cheerleaders, not critics. Connect with mentors, join groups, or team up with friends who can uplift you. People who feed your soul make the journey easier and a lot more fun.

  7. Open Heart, Open Mind: Be ready to mix things up. Stepping out of your comfort zone might just be the ticket to your next big breakthrough. Remember, the scenic route isn’t about rushing; it’s about experiencing and growing at your pace.

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About the author

Meet Jen, your fellow wanderer on the Scenic Route to figuring out this gorgeous thing called life.

  • BA in Social Sciences and MA in Sociology? You bet.

  • Certified NLP and EFT practitioner? Check.

  • Fucked shit up a lot? Been there, didn’t even get a lousy t-shirt.

  • Empath and HSP? It’s all just peachy.

Jen’s professional background and personal experience make the secret sauce that adds depth to every conversation. She tunes into the frequencies most people skip over. She's on a heartfelt mission to support too-brilliant-to-not-shine humans moving from surviving to thriving.

Together with her clients, she dives deep into the chaos of being human, finding that sweet spot where vulnerability meets badassery to rediscover the thrill of living a life that's as beautifully complex as you are – flaws and all.


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