… and this is what I do best

I help service providers elevate their businesses through my unique approach to branding. By blending personal healing, sociology, and design, I create brand strategies and identities that build trust, captivate desire, and set my clients apart.

As an expert in rebranding…

  • I help my clients become an architect of how others see them.

  • I assist in cultivating their flourishing business and removing obstacles.

  • I help orchestrate all branding activities to build up to a beautiful crescendo.

  • I design a brand that makes my clients feel at ease and confident like they wear their favourite well-worn summer dress.

Branding is an in- and outside job

I understand that every business is unique, and I am here to support you on your journey to success. That's why, no matter what niche you are in or where you are in your success story, I always take the time to understand your specific needs and goals when refining your brand.

Let's work together to create a brand that represents you and your business fully.

Branding is fun

Build trust – not by chance but by design

When you build your brand from the inside out, you’re able to authentically connect on a heart level with the people who are drawn to what you have to offer.

This helps to establish trust, which is crucial for achieving your goals. Additionally, feeling confident and comfortable with your brand can help you avoid self-sabotage and let your business thrive.

Your return?
The result of great branding is increased recognition in your niche or industry, stronger emotional connections with clients, and greater credibility and trust. Last but not least, great branding helps you be crystal clear about the path in front of you and supports you in intentionally speeding up to achieve your goals.

What my friends know about me…

To my friends, I'm mum with a loud voice and roaring laughter, who swears for emphasis and can order food in the native language of every country she's ever travelled to. They know I usually speak at Lorelai-Gilmore-speed in English and German and that beer showers don't keep me away from watching Ice Hockey games from the ranks

And you know what?

And many of my clients get to know me just as well – I believe our close relationships and genuine care for their brand and business contribute to your success. I am fully invested in helping my clients achieve their goals, and I bring my enthusiasm and expertise to every project.

It was never about blending in

but standing out. For years though, I was made to feel like I didn’t belong, like a misfit. There were many moments where:

  • I was too loud and witty to be a good student.

  • I was too fat to be a figure skater yet not fat enough to actually shop plus-size.

  • I was too common for posh academia circles yet too brainy for the local pub crowd.

  • I was too creative for engineers yet not artsy enough for all-dressed-in-black-mad-men advertising agencies.

I was a lot of “too much yet not enough” for many people.

It wasn’t until I realised that I wasn’t a misfit after all – I fit perfectly into the human I am, and my journey on the scenic route is divinely timed. I’ve spent time getting to know myself again and building my brand and business around me, my family, and my life.

A woman wearing a white summer dress stands close to the shore on a warm, sunny day. Her bare feet are barely covered by water.

Imagine having a brand

that is tailored specifically to you and makes you feel comfortable and confident, just like your favourite summer dress. That's what I can help you create.

If you’d like to connect with me and learn more about me and how my branding and business approach is different, you can….


Now, I want to get to know you! I’m on Instagram. Say Hi and tell me how you’re doing.


The Scenic Route is a candid, conversational podcast featuring inspiring entrepreneurs, coaches and creatives about how they’re building their business around their life to fit their lifestyle AND not the other way around.

These weekly episodes won’t offer blueprints or “this then that” formulas. Instead, people will share what worked for them and hopefully inspire you to try new things in the way you do business.



Sign up to receive musings about branding, doing business on the scenic route with crapping on yourself, sociology, tarot, and everything in between that sparks curiosity right into your inbox.


Sign up for my FREE 5-day email course, The Intuitive Branding Invitation, and rediscover your brand’s unique gifts and strengths.

Get ready to find the brand alchemist within you and be guided to a brand positioning that's uniquely you and wildly attractive.